„Ich wollte gern meinen Kleiderschrank mit mehr Farben und einigen passenden Office Outfits bereichern.
Miriam hat in einem ersten Telefonat mit mir abgeklärt, wo die Reise hingehen soll und mir auch schnell einen passenden Termin angeboten. Beim gemeinsamen Shoppen haben wir uns dann inspirieren lassen.
Miriam hat dabei ihre Erfahrung und ihr Stilbewusstsein eingesetzt, ohne mich zu irgendetwas zu drängen. Wenn ich nach schwarz oder grau greifen wollte, hat sie mich sehr lieb daran erinnert, dass mein Wunsch doch nach mehr Farbe war und es geschafft, mich für die bunteren Varianten zu begeistern. Die Umkleide gab ihr Recht! Zusammen haben wir tolle Outfits in sehr vielen Kombinationsmöglichkeiten zusammengestellt, neue Schnitte und Farben an mir ausprobiert und genau die richtigen Stücke gefunden. Diese passen nämlich nicht nur untereinander gut, sondern fügen sich auch hervorragend in meinen bestehenden Kleiderschrank ein.
Miriam war ehrlich interessiert an meinen Wünschen und Bedürfnissen, hat ihre Expertise geteilt aber mir nie aufgedrängt und war eine wirklich angenehme Shopping-Begleitung (und das sage ich als jemand, der seit knapp 5 Jahren jeden Shopping-Trip gemieden hat.) Ich bin sehr glücklich mit unserer Auswahl und kann ihre Dienste uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.“ Anna K.
Nach drei Schwangerschaften hatte mein Körper sich so sehr verändert, dass ich völlig ratlos und unsicher war, was mir eigentlich steht. Wann immer ich online Kleidung bestellt hatte, ging fast alles wieder zurück. Am Ende habe ich nur noch schwarze Hosen, schwarze T Shirts und schwarze Pullover getragen.
Ich bin so dankbar, dass ich mit Miriam zusammen shoppen gehen durfte. Sie hat mir gezeigt, dass ich sehr wohl auch Farben gut tragen kann, welche Schnitte mir gut stehen, wie ich die verschiedenen Sachen miteinander kombinieren kann und das alles, ohne das ich mich verkleidet fühle. Auch aus meinem Umfeld bekomme ich viele Komplimente. Die neue Kleidung passt so gut zu mir, als hätte ich sie schon immer gehabt. Miriam hat mir eine große Portion Selbstbewusstsein zurück gegeben und wir haben für meine Garderobe einen super Anfang gefunden. Das Shoppen hat viel Spaß gemacht und fühlte sich an, als wäre ich mit einer guten Freundin unterwegs. Sie ist auf alle meine Wünsche und Bedürfnisse eingegangen und ich freue mich schon darauf, meine Garderobe zu tragen und irgendwann zu erweitern. Franziska
„Miriams Expertise als professionelle Shoppingbegleiterin hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen. Sie hat nicht nur geholfen, das perfekte Wohlfühloutfit für meinen beruflichen Alltag zu finden, sondern auch meine Leidenschaft für Styling neu entfacht. Ihre einfühlsame Beratung und ihr ausgeprägtes Gespür für Ästhetik haben mir nicht nur ein neues Selbstbewusstsein verliehen, sondern auch gezeigt, wie wichtig es ist, sich in seiner Kleidung wohlzufühlen. Danke Miriam für die inspirierende Reise durch die Welt des Stylings auf der Suche nach zeitlosen, stilvollen Looks!“ Annemarie
Miriam is excellent! I approached her at a point when I felt my body was changing after 40 – leaving me low on confidence, a change of style in the workspace between working at home and from the office, and with a feeling of having nothing to wear despite a full wardrobe. She listened to my wants and needs and understood my style intuitively. She created new outfits for both work and play from clothes I already own, with combinations that I would never have thought off. Miriam is honest and empathetic, which helped to let go of things in the wardrobe that where not so great, but also found clothes that just needed small alterations and now work great. Decluttering the wardrobe was the biggest positive change for me, reducing overwhelm and making getting dressed so much easier. She helped me to rethink my whole approach to owning clothes, suggesting only a couple of essential additions and emphasising that I had everything I needed. Miriam knows what looks good, helped me to recreate many outfits and saved me a lot of money from unnecessary shopping. I couldn’t be happier. Maren
Working with Miriam has given me a new sense of confidence. She came to my apartment here in Berlin, and patiently helped me go through my closet and see what is still working, and what I can let go of. Then, we created a shopping plan together to build on what I kept. And shopping with her is such fun – things I would have never tried on, known where in Berlin to find, or had a clue how to style, she put together with ease. I am making the most of what I already own, and moving my personal style forward. We focused on a look that is my style – but far better and more ‚me‘ than I could have done on my own.
As an American living in Berlin, I often find the retail environment to be fragmented and daunting. But Miriam made shopping feel straightforward. She even helped me find the right shoes, as someone who suffers from high arches, and often achy feet, I wasn’t sure if we could find stylish solutions, but I love my new lug-sole boots.
If you get the chance to work the Miriam, you will be so happy you did! Rachel
Miriam didn’t waste a moment in upgrading my tired old wardrobe into something more modern and timeless. She worked carefully within my budget and space constraints and even offered to provide remote advice on future purchases. This was an investment that will pay dividends for a long time. Blake
If you want to treat yourself to a wardrobe make-over, I highly recommend Miriam. Curious, warm, thoughtful and creative, she worked her way through my wardrobe, identifying statement pieces and putting together new looks. I appreciated her honesty and constructive feedback on some pieces, colors and textures that didn’t fit quite my style as well as her perspective on basics needed to for an effortless everyday look. To that end, she followed up after our meeting with links to specific pieces. Plus, she recommended brands and stores to visit on a scheduled trip to France. 10/10 would recommend. Julia B.
Miriam war letzte Woche bei mir zu Hause für ein Garderoben-Checkup und ich bin sehr happy mit dem Ergebnis.
Miriam hatte sehr schnell ein Gefühl dafür entwickelt, was zu mir & meinem Charakter passt und was nicht. So haben wir echt tolle Outfits zusammen stellen können – ohne, dass ich viele Kleidungsstücke dafür brauche (und damit auch nachhaltig).
Außerdem habe ich durch sie noch ein paar grundsätzliche Dinge mitgenommen, die ich beim Styling und beim Kauf weiterer Kleidungsstücke in Zukunft berücksichtigen werde (z.T. haben wir beim Garderoben-Check auch parallel online passende Kleidungsstücke gefunden, die ich danach bestellt habe)
Ich sage DANKE. Ich kann Miriam sehr empfehlen und werde sie sicherlich in Zukunft nochmal buchen. Anne-Sophie W.
I would highly recommend Miriam to resolve any fashion dilemma as she really takes the time to first understand what the challenge is beyond the clothes and to then find solutions that work. I really appreciated how bespoke the online service was and the level of research and emotional support to improve my own confidence in my stylistic choices. Miriam is a very talented woman who is also incredibly passionate about helping others and her kindness and style shines through! thank you Xx. Sienna
I recently had the pleasure of working with Miriam who truly helped me define my style. Miriam had an amazing ability to understand my personal preferences and lifestyle, allowing her to curate a wardrobe that perfectly suited my needs. She skilfully combined different colours and patterns and what impressed me the most was their genuine commitment throughout our collaboration. I strongly recommend to try out her wardrobe check session. Thanks a lot, Miriam! Ragim A.
Komplett leergefegt war mein Kleiderschrank, nichts passte, nichts gefiel. Mit Miriam habe ich von Grund auf neu angefangen und an einem Tag eine komfortabel vierstellige Summe am Kudamm gelassen. Die beste Investition seit langer Zeit! Ich habe jetzt einen tollen Bestand an Kleidung samt Schuhen, in der ich mich zum ersten Mal seit langer Zeit richtig wohl fühle, und plötzlich ist mir auch klar, was und wie ich in Zukunft alleine einkaufen kann. So toll wie Miriam werde ich es nicht hinbekommen, aber die Richtung habe ich verstanden. Ich danke sehr herzlich für die supernette Beratung und den pragmatischen Umgang mit sämtlichen Figurproblemen. Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns wieder! Eva S.
I had the best time with Miriam and can definitely recommend her services! I had a very casual wardrobe and needed help with getting more stylish, everyday pieces. After the wardrobe check, we went shopping and she made sure to pick out clothes that I liked while still maintaining the original goal of looking more dressed up. She was very encouraging, listened to my inputs, and gave valuable tips during the entire experience. Wearing the clothes we picked out together makes me feel so confident and happy. I couldn’t have wished for a better experience! Cristel J.
To be honest, shopping really isn’t my thing. Trying to pick out the right styles and colours for my body type feels exhausting. So my request to Miriam was simple: „Could you make these decisions for me, please?“ It was my first experience of using someone’s help with shopping, and it felt so nice and smooth that I can guarantee it won’t be the last. I bought everything I needed and actually had a good time doing it! Miriam made the whole process really easy. She’s not only a total pro, but also a real gem of a person. Mikhail R.
I received a wardrobe check voucher from my husband and I’m so grateful! Lately I have been buying a lot of clothing pieces which I ended up only wearing once, and then they were just hanging there in my wardrobe making me feel guilty. I’m in a life transition right now and I felt a bit lost about my clothing style. The idea of letting someone enter my wardrobe in this life phase, felt a bit overwhelming at first and therefore I needed to find someone who I felt comfortable with. I’m so happy I found Miriam who has such a non-judgmental way of commenting how I look in different outfits. I had such a fun afternoon and I did not only get rid of half of my wardrobe but also found beautiful combinations of outfits for the spring. Later on, I ended up hiring her again to go shopping! It felt like the most luxurious gift I ever given myself! I can highly recommend Miriam! Katharina S.
I adored my wardrobe check with Miriam! 100% recommend treating yourself to her amazing work. She actual saved me money – I was gonna throw half of my wardrobe out, but she made me see it in a different way, with really easy fixes. We had suuuuch fun together too! Thank you Miriam. Jennifer H-B
Had a time of my life with Miriam, going through my closet and shopping together!
She literally breathed life into my wardrobe in a very smart way: things that I once picked but had never worn found stunning matches, new highlights and basics appeared … and I finally know what to wear and how, every day!
Not to mention that Miriam knows shops in Berlin and online inside out so I’ve got plenty of practical tips for the future.
A very rewarding experience and great fun! Thank you, Miriam! Elena R.
Das Shoppen mit Miriam war toll! Wir haben uns super verstanden und uns gemeinsam an meinen möglichen Stil rangetastet. Dank ihr habe ich wieder mehr Freude an Mode und endlich auch wieder was im Schrank das zusammenpasst! Ich werde sie auf jeden Fall nochmal buchen. Lena M.
Shopping with Miriam was not only painless but really enjoyable! I’m
amazed at how quickly she was able to pick out items that suited me so
Miriam accompanied me shopping in Mitte in November 2021. She was a total pleasure to work with, and got excellent results that exceeded all my expectations. We went to many stores, and in each she immediately honed in things that would suit me. I’ve been wearing many of them regularly ever since. Thank you Miriam! Christian C.
I never understood fashion, and I hate shopping! My wardrobe is filled with black t-shirts, a couple of jeans and a few dresses that I wear at new year’s eve and at weddings. So, when the kind of day that I’d remember my entire life came along, I was very stressed about showing up in the wrong outfit. I found Miriam online and I loved her portfolio, with simple, elegant looks. We spoke on the phone and then we met for a shopping session. We found just the right look in less than 2 hours! I felt confident and elegant and I loved the experience! Miriam is so nice and friendly, I never felt judged and every time I go shopping with her we manage to create a unique and beautiful style for my special occasions. Thank you, Miriam! Silvia C.
I went for a walk this morning and I dressed up (no yoga pants!), put some make up on and wore boots. Thanks for the empowerment and inspiration! Zsanett C.
Shopping with Miriam was not only painless but really enjoyable! I’m amazed at how quickly she was able to pick out items that suited me so
well. She was always patient, supportive, and undeterred as I navigated some of my negative feelings around finding clothes that I felt comfortable in. I also really appreciate the general tips and suggestions that she shared with me that will no doubt make finding clothes in the future much easier to do on my own. That said, I wish Miriam could be with me on every shopping trip! Sara R.
„I’m not the type of person who you’d typically imagine would seek out a personal stylist. 30-something working Mama – time poor and happy if I manage to get to the office in an outfit that doesn’t have a penguin sticker, toothpaste or sticky fingerprints on it – legacy of my “morning commute”. I like shopping; I like fashion, but those things somehow got relegated to a past life and Pinterest sessions late at night when I should have been asleep.
Post-kids I’d lost confidence in my ability to shop. My body had changed. I’d changed and if I’m being honest, I no longer had the disposable income to make clothes shopping an enjoyable pastime. Talking to a stylist seemed like an extravagance that would only lead to heartache.
Miriam came to my house, had a look at my Pinterest musings and shopped my wardrobe. In the gentlest and most supportive way, we threw out clothes I’d been holding onto for too long and created a list of “basics” that were missing. We found outfit combinations that I would never have put together and I now have a plan of what to shop when I’m ready.“ Clare B.
„I had a really fun time going through my wardrobe with Miriam. I had never worked with a stylist and didn’t know what to expect. We went through every single item, I talked about what I like and dream to do. She was really friendly and understanding. She focused on my wishes and showed me real and practical ways of bringing them to life. I felt so good finding my own look and where I feel myself the most. I have been only wearing the combinations she put together for me ever since and have a great shopping list and ideas about what I miss in my wardrobe. For anyone who wants genuine help with practical solutions, she is the one :)“ Neslisah K.
“ Miriam Robinson is an amazing personal shopper. I have had the pleasure of shopping with Miriam for each season to create an all year round wardrobe. She knows exactly what works for you as an individual. Not only did Miriam give me a new look within my (limited!) budget, she also built my self confidence. I would highly recommend Miriam from your everyday clothing to dressing for an occasion. “ Samantha W.
„Miriam Robinson is a fashion forward expert, but her down to earth and warmness put this non-shopper at ease, even when gently urging me to try things outside my comfort zone. She took the stress out of shopping and introduced me to new ways to wear classic pieces that really updated my look. I felt a body acceptance I hadn`t felt since my 20s and felt good in clothes for the first time in a long time. I am new to Berlin and start a new job next week – what a great way to get introduced to some great shops, a kind and knowledgeable person and a new outlook. Thanks, Miriam. I look forward to the spring/summer wardrobe overhaul! I will definitely recommend her services to anyone interested.“ Kristen H.
„Miriam literally came as a gift (friends gave me a voucher). As we examined my wardrobe, Miriam immediately had a keen eye for what suited me, what was redundant and what was still needed. We established a list of items and headed out to the shops. Based on her local knowledge and expertise, Miriam knew exactly where to go for what. Even though I had been to the same places, she spotted items and bargains I had not noticed in years. Miriam was a sensitive, good and supportive listener who thought ahead and found a solution to everything. The fact that she can gage the taste, needs and concerns of men as well as women speaks for her. I cannot recommend her highly enough.“ Carlos M.
“ Miriam is a true professional as she could understand my style right away. She taught me not only what brands and colors I should buy but also how to match different pieces together which I loved. In every store, we had an amazing flow finding great pieces that fit almost instantly. I got a brand new wardrobe and I couldn’t have done it without her! Working with her has been one of the best decisions ever. „ Kristel T.
“ Miriam is absolutley fantastic. You don’t know it yet, but you need her to visit your wardrobe. She listened really well to my style choices and issues, and was able to help me spice up my current wardrobe and help me with some pieces to enhance my style. I constantly get compliments on my outfits now, something that before Miriam never happened. I even get compliments on things I’ve owned for awhile but Miriam helped me give a new life to! “ Katie R.
„An absolutely lovely experience with Miriam! I found her online as I needed help finding clothes that were ‚me‘. She is very genuine and easy to work with; she was super patient working with me and I learned a lot from the few hours we spent together. She made the shopping experience fun and easy. Would totally recommend! Thanks again Miriam.“ Kate O´T
„… Feels empowering to have some new pieces that I can mix and match! And I think myself and style is there. Yay! “ Iwona H.
“ I hired Miriam to help me go through my closet and figure out what to do with all my clothes as I seem to be lacking inspiration. We had a very productive session where we were able to quickly sort out what clothes went together as outfits, what clothes don’t work for me at all and what clothes I still need to buy. At the end it gave me much more confidence in what type of clothes go well together and helped me simplify my wardrobe. Her perspective was extremely helpful and left me empowered to stop wearing only black day and day out. Would highly recommend her to others! „ Liana T.
“ Miriam hat mich beim Einkauf neuer Kleider für’s Frühjahr vollkommen stilsicher und vor allem perfekt individuell auf mich abgestimmt beraten. Es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht, war entspannt und effektiv mit ihr auf Shopping- Tour zu ziehen! Ich komme auf jeden Fall auf sie zurück und empfehle es jeder und jedem anderen! „ Alois S.
“ My brag today is about another lady here. Yesterday Miriam Robinson came over to help me go through my wardrobe, toss a HUGE mound of clothes I’d been “saving,” and teach me how to pair my favorite t-shirts with my favorite sweaters in a way that updates my look while still being Me. My favorite part is being able to bring back a piece of that pre-kids 20-something New York City “me” that I’ve been missing, without feeling like an old mom just trying to hang on to her glory days ;-)I can’t recommend her services enough! “ Annie M.W.
“ Miriam hat mich verzaubert. Mit stylischer Hand hat sie unentdeckte Schätze aus meinem Kleiderschrank gezogen, sie so zusammengestellt, wie ich es mir nie erträumt hätte. Ihr Geschick zu kombinieren ist einfach großartig. Ich fühle mich jetzt richtig wohl, in meiner Haut und meinen Outfits. Tipps für den nächsten Einkauf habe ich auch bekommen und nebenbei noch mit den aussortieren Kleidungsstücken etwas Gutes getan. Vielen Dank für den neuen Mut, die Verjüngungstour, und dass Du mich von alten Gewohnheiten befreit hast. Das Styling hat mir riesen Spaß gemacht! “ Janina R.
“ Miriam is a fantastic personal shopper. She has a wealth of experience in styling for people on TV and this reflects in her contemporary fashion sense and styling know-how. I wouldn’t have dared looked into some of the shops she took me to, or tried on some of the clothes she suggested, but when I did, I was pleasantly surprised and delighted with the outfits she helped me choose to buy. Her personal shopping service really gave me a lot more confidence in my body and myself. I highly recommend Miriam if you need some fashion inspiration and a confidence boost! „ Emma J.
After 3 years of home office, moving cities and living in boxes for a while, I needed a fresh look at my wardrobe. I also wanted to move away from emotional shopping (especially on holidays), and to evolve my style.
For this, Miriam’s help was great! She helped me uncover parts of my personality that I could bring out more through my choice of cloths.That was quite a remarkable accomplishment for just 3 hours spent together, and it all felt so effortless.
„I came out of the wardrobe check feeling more confident in terms of how I shop, how I combine, and how I wear my cloths. It’s like having a strong foundation on which I can build at my own pace, without the pressure of trends and impulses.“ Andreea S.
I had an amazing session with Miriam. She consulted me to find my style while we were shopping in Berlin.
She was super warm, helpful, and direct which I highly appreciate!
Miriam is a great listener and she asked me many questions to better understand what I like and don’t like. I’ve learned a lot about what to wear and how to combine colors and pieces. She showed me many pieces and ways how to wear my shirts, sweaters, etc.
I managed to revamp my whole wardrobe and I’m very glad for her help.
At some point she recommended to not buy more cloths, and rather get used to what I’ve bought which was a great tip!
I highly recommend working with Miriam if you want to change your style and learn about current trends of the fashion world 🙂
Thanks again Miriam!!! Christian S.
“ I contacted Miriam because I was frustrated with my wardrobe and felt like I had nothing to wear. We went shopping together, and she magically picked out timeless pieces that I loved! Shopping with Miriam was fun and painless, as she is a talented stylist with a great eye and an easygoing personality. She taught me how to mix and match pieces to create many different looks. I’m no longer stressed out in the mornings, trying to figure out what to wear. If you’re feeling stuck and need some inspiration, call Miriam. Not only will she change your wardrobe, she’ll change your life! “ Miriam S.
„Miriam war gestern bei mir zu einem Garderoben Check-up und es hat so viel Spaß und Freude gemacht. Zielsicher hat sie meine vorhandenen Klamotten auf eine Art und Weise kombiniert, die ich noch nicht mal in Erwägung gezogen hatte. Durch ihre Freude am stylen wurde ich richtig angesteckt. Die Zeit verging wie im Flug und wir konnten ganz nebenbei den ein oder anderen „Fashion“-Mythos in mir aufräumen. Dazu gabs noch einige Tipps wie ich meinen Kleiderschrank nachrüsten kann – sehr praktisch! Ich sage DANKE und freue mich auf ein nächstes Mal!“ Marie Rose K.
“Mit Miriam macht es nicht nur Spaß Neues auszuprobieren, sie hat auch ein Gespür für meine Bedürfnisse und einen sicheren Blick, was mir stehen könnte. Ohne Sie, als einfühlsamen Berater an meiner Seite, hätte ich mir bestimmte Kombinationen an mir gar nicht vorstellen können. Mein Kleidungsstil hat sich schon durch einen einzigen ‚Bummel‘ mit Miriam erfrischend verändert. Ich bin begeistert und fühle mich dennoch nicht ‚verkleidet’. Miriam ist eine kompetente und angenehme Begleitung mit geschultem Blick für den individuellen goldenen Schnitt. Für mich ; eine wahre Entdeckung !“ Britta E.
“ I can’t recommend Miriam enough! She visited my home 2 weeks ago and it’s amazing how many compliments I have received from friends on how I look since. I now have photos of all my outfits hanging in my bedroom making getting dressed in the morning a breeze. I no longer look at my clothes and feel uninspired. It’s amazing what a new (and professional) perspective can do. Every cent was worth it – and definitely saves money in the long run (no, I don’t need another grey sweater).“ Liz v.L.
„Liebe Miriam, auch ich möchte mich bei Dir für diese wunderschönen Stunden bedanken. Es hat mir großen Spaß gemacht, mit Dir an meinem Styling zu arbeiten. Ich bin glücklich, dass Du mir gezeigt hast, nur mit einigen Teilen viele Kombinationen zu schaffen. Ich habe viele Komplimente für die neuen Outfits erhalten und trage alles sehr gern.
Ich werde diesen Tag nicht vergessen!“, Victoria W.
„I am so happy to have met Miriam. Not only did she help me find key pieces for my wardrobe that were from sustainable brands, but she also showed my some great places to find basics, and opened my eyes to colours and styles of clothes that I would have never thought would suit me. I didn’t want to wear my old clothes again, after feeling so much more myself in what had Miriam had picked with me. It was a delight to go shopping with Miriam, getting to know each other first over a coffee, before embarking on a successful shopping trip. I would definitely recommend her to other guys who are unsure of how to dress, or where to find decent basics.“ Ich werde diesen Tag nicht vergessen!“ Andrew B.